
 You will not only accomplish your tasks properly, but also will receive the honor and respect along with appreciation. This month will be favorable for work related issues. Self-confidence will prove as a key in getting success in life. Before doing any crucial job investigate properly. You are more likely to acquire wealth through your own personal effort then by any dint of good fortune. Advantageous investments for you would be in land or house property, the building up of factories dealing especially in cold, lead or iron products. You will experience much difficulty in obtaining money that should be yours by right and you should never lend without security or you would be sure to lose. At heart you will be very thoughtful and serious minded and extremely through going in everything you undertake. You will be levelheaded and practical and not easily swayed or influenced by other persons view. You will have a said purpose at the back of all your plans, never giving in or allowing yourself to be discouraged by difficulties. You will have a great amount of vitality, provided you never indulge in drugs or intoxicants of any kind. You will be inclined at times to suffer from severe chills rheumatism and arthritis. As a remedy To increase your magnetic vibrations and make yourself more fortunate you should be here shades of gold or yellow or bronze to golden brown. Important numbers 1,4 ,30,19, 28,31.This will be a good year for academics and students are predicted to achieve fruitful results .During the second half of the month you may spend some money in domestic matters. Your stars are indicating that you may buy a new house or car. Your seventh house foretells that you should not get stubborn with your beloved or partner. As per prediction of this month do not let any small issues bothering you. Take care of your partner’s health. You will get attracted toward the world of glamour and glitz. As a result, you may start lying to your partner horoscopes. However, it would be good to avoid getting attracted toward these things, since it might lead to a break up. You should keep calm, even when someone else gets the appreciation for your hard work. Time will let everyone know the truth.

Remedy: Feed a black cow.