
You should be able to make money easily this month. You will accumulate wealth and gain higher positions but in these situations also you will never feel satisfied. You will keep craving for that something just beyond. You will be generous in money matters but will be inclined to deplete your own reserves in helping your own relations and those of your family and friends too. In health you will fall ill quickly but will recover just as rapidly. You will be likely to suffer from severe headaches and trouble with the lungs or breathing in general. You should take exceptional care of your eyes and if you have to wear glasses you should have them changed often so as not to strain your eyesight. You’re most important numbers are three’s and five’s this month. You will make friends wherever you go and will dominate person is quick and easily. You might reach great heights but you will never be satisfied. You will do well as the head of large businesses, positions of authority and government bodies. You will have to be alert with your enemies. You should save money and keep it safe or make provision for your future. You will generally do lot of sacrifices for your family and friends and keep a sense of duty towards them. Avoid taking risks and dangers as accidents from fires vehicles or animals etc are on the cards. You will be inclined towards spirituality and you will do a lot of charity also. You will make money by your brain but seldom can keep money or accumulate it.  Married couples who are willing for a baby will be blessed with an angel. Businessmen will spend to expand their work. You may do something new with a brand new planning.try to keep pleasant relations with elders, including your parents and teachers. You might go in for frequent change of places for relaxation purposes. You need to take utmost care while driving. The second half of the month is going to be favorable for love and engagement. You will get cooperation from seniors and experienced people and this will help in the accomplishment of your tasks. There will be an improvement in your work-pattern through meetings with experienced persons. Expenses are possible on starting a new business or venture.

Remedy: Donate yellow colored clothes to needy people.