
This month you will be cautious in financial matters. You will be investing your money well in business or industries that promise a good return. You will make the most out of any opportunity that present themselves and you will make the best of out of any situation. You will have a strong magnetic influence over others at the same time you will have to face some scandals at different times in your career. Many obstacles maybe set your path but by your patience and determination you will overcome all difficulties. This month Seems like an amazing time, if you are planning to do something special for your loved ones, your efforts will come out with flying colors. You will be considered more rich than you really are. It will hurt your sensitive nature to refuse any demand and for this reason you may at times become impoverished in attempting to keep up your position in the world. In spite of all this you will be very cautious about the money you have. You will work hard to make use of large sums of money to carry out your plans or ambitions. You may expect success as a general rule provided it is not personal gain that may tempt you to take on too much.  If you are working with a firm and planning for a change, there are beautiful chances of something better. So, don’t miss any new opportunity. As far as health is concerned you will be inclined by overwork Bentley to take too much out of yourself I’m so bring on a breakdown of the nervous system. You should be very careful about your diet and guard yourself against any kind of weakness related to eyes and spine. Your most important numbers this month will be 2 and 7.Shades of white, green, grey and pale green should be used in clothing. There is a possibility of growth in the number of family members, either through someone’s marriage or birth of a child. You will utilise a lot of Time providing comfort to your family members. You might get some unexpected benefit. However, there is a possibility of expenses for religious purposes and you also might spend money on your family members. You might spend in the sale or purchase of land in coming future. Favourable period for students studying or will plan to study abroad. You are likely to succeed in gifts of the imagination more than by any hard and fast business methods your dreams are likely to become reality if you develop self-confidence in all you undertake.

Remedy: Float coconut in the running water after a regular interval of 7 days.