You will have many good opportunities for your income with some good news which will keep you in very high spirits. Your image will improve both at your home and at your working place if you keep your anger issues in control. Unemployed people will get satisfactory jobs now. You will buy some new  vehicle. Your financial status will improve. Your rivals may try to create obstacles for you but with your own effort in planning you will manage to defeat them. Your plans will get materialised. As your financial position becomes strong your expenditures will also go high and you might make unnecessary expenses. Avoid speculations and do not lend any loan. Your family health and your health seems to be normal. Generally this month will be good for you. Travelling abroad is also predicted. There are also huge possibilities for you to have a marriage proposal at this time. But keep a little patience and avoid  confusion. Property related disputes might erupt with your siblings but things will go in your favour. Some auspicious ceremony may also take place at home during this time. Overall a peaceful period but your angry nature can turn the tables. Work-related trips can also happen, but you need to take special care of your health when out otherwise in routine you will not have any major issues related to health. Avoid overconfidence and most importantly your anger issues otherwise you will spoil your game. Before taking up a job or doing any work, it is very important that you know your capabilities.

Remedy – Worship Lord Shiva and take blessings of your parents when you go out for work daily.