You will see a lot of professional changes. You will enjoy your smaller successes in the professional front. You will see a rise in your income and expansion but your expenditure will also have a good rise. If someone asks you to lend some money you should definitely help them. You may have to travel abroad due to your professional demands. Good time for those who are involved in the marketing and trading business . You will also crack some good worthy deal which you were waiting for a long time and will finally come to you. Spend some time with your family and friends. Have some open and honest communication with your spouse which will strengthen up your relationship. Stay away from females as you might get involved in some physical relationship. Health needs a concern regarding joint pains and skin issues. The only advice this month is to try to share a warm relationship with your family members and specially your spouse to build mutual harmony and cooperation for each other.

Remedy: Read Hanuman Chalisa everyday.