A good period is indicated on the business front. Your image seems to improve during this time. This is a favourable time for you to invest in land and property. Also, maternal property gain is foreseen. People looking for job will finally seek employment during this period. Marital front seems to be fine. Any differences with your spouse will get cleared up. Even though the money inflow seems to be alright, you will not be able to make good use of your gains. Invest wisely and do not lend money else you might get betrayed. This month is great for your financial growth and prosperity. Any effort made to make money will be successful. You will make good progress in business and profession and achieve financial prosperity.  You will get appreciation for your work. You will save a lot of money. You might spend on auspicious occasions. Investment in property is also indicated. You will enjoy good family life this month. In addition to enjoying good relationship with family, your relationship with parents will also improve. Your image will improve and your family life seems to be very satisfying. You may travel abroad. Stay away from unreliable people. Make any financial investments carefully and focus on your business. Try to increase your efficiency for better profits. Health seems to be excellent this month. Parents health might cause some stress. You will be appreciated for your sincere efforts.

Remedy: Feed the monkeys with Gud Channa.