You will get many opportunities for your business deals to get through . Avoid partnerships at any cost otherwise you will have to face big losses. Professional life will be generally favourable and you will get success in executing your pending work. You will involve yourself in lot of other activities. You will also indulge in property dealings which will give you good benefits and acquire you with good money gains. Your domestic life seems to be average avoid any kind of arguments and disputes with your family members to avoid bad name treat them with love and respect to get their support in difficult times. You will have more expenses and for that you have to curb your spending. Avoid unnecessary travelling this month. You will be under constant fear of having financial losses but your financial condition will improve gradually. Strictly avoid sharing any sensitive matters or secrets with your close ones at this time.You will spend on vehicle for sure in this period.Your ongoing legal case in the court will get resolved. Your marital life will be better but you have to take better care of yourself have you might feel stressed and lethargic.Be very careful while investing in your business. Do not lend any money. The child may perform well in Academics and extra curricular activities. You might get political gains. Any attempt to make money will be favourable for you. Your condition may improve from carrier point of you. You will get promotion or higher rank or designation in your company.Take care of your health as you might deal with cold and viral fever. Trust your instincts to take an important decision of your life.

Remedy: Feed the fish.