You may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. You are advised to be very calm and balanced in your approach towards different situations in life. Guesswork is not going to help you in any field so it should be avoided. There will be health problems related to eyes, phlegmatic complaints and head. You will create problems for yourself by uttering falsehood. you will try a lot to maintain good relation with your partners or associates but all in ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges and difficulties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Your enemies will put their best efforts to harm you. Even you should be careful about your friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of yourself as it may become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of chronic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act you will be inclined towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with the characterless persons.