Travelling will not prove very beneficial so postpone your travel plans. This month would bring many specialities for you. The beginning of this month will prove very beneficial. All your undone jobs will get through. The beginning of this month may appear to give some good results but you should be alert regarding some theft and some losses while travelling. Expenses might remain high so keep a check on your expenditure. Professional life seems to be satisfactory and your hard work will give you desired results. Your colleagues will cooperate. And those in jobs will get promotions. Your rivals will be inactive to create hurdles and will not be able to damage your image. Good period for business but partnership is not advised. In this period you might suffer from body pain, fatigue. Be careful when on road either walking or driving. Spouse health would be a matter of concern. Your interest towards spiritualism would increase and you will have some auspicious occasion at home. Marital life seems to be okay but in the middle of the month try to remain calm with your spouse as some hot arguments might create differences and children may get tensed from the unpleasant atmosphere. You will get many financial opportunities which would keep you busy and happy. You will be successful in your professional life. Overall this month will provide positive results in your professional as well as your business life. 

Remedy: Feed cows with green fodder on Wednesday and worship Lord Shiva.