This period shows both good and bad experiences for you. Professionally this period will give you some gains but you will not be able to receive fully out of it. You will have to face some hurdles and problems with your ancestral property. You will overcome a lot of challenges and you will be successful to overcome them. In spite of financial gains you will not be able to save money so it is advised to be alert in your profession and handle your expenses. Do not take any financial risk or any financial involvement to avoid any problem. Watch your expenses as your expenses will increase but your income will be very low according to them. Students might face problems with their studies and might not score well. Misunderstanding and differences of opinion with your colleagues are also indicated in this period. And stay calm and quiet in negative situations. You are most likely to suffer from stomach disorders and backache or joint related ailments. Take care of everyone’s health and make sure they go for regular check-ups. Avoid arguments or massive fights at your domestic front. End of this month will give you assured financial gains and you will invest in some property or vehicle.

REMEDY: Donate cement bags to any Temple.