In this period you will have to act in a very diplomatic way at your domestic front as otherwise you will see yourself as the centre of a family conflicts. You will go a little off tune as far as your career, romantic life and family life is concerned. Balancing things will become very difficult and you will see yourself in a situation where negative emotions are getting stronger. You should go a little easy on your partner and for that you should keep your expectations low to maintain harmony in your relations. Issues and frictions will continue in the family and you may get into a turbulent relationship during this time period. Siblings rivalry and dispute will continue and for this you need to stay strong as this is not going to last longer. People in business will face a lot of hurdles and challenges and businessmen who have been suffering losses for a long time will get recovered gradually. You might get stressed because of all this turmoil and your health will suffer because of over tired mind and body. You should not neglect your health and get medical attention at the earliest. Healthcare is strongly suggested. Even if situations slip out of your hand make an attempt to solve them. Stay away from unwanted and meaningless expenses. No property deals during this time are advised.

REMEDY: Offer Laddu prashad to Hanuman ji.