As for as your business and educational front is concerned you might face some hurdles and obstacles and you will have to work very hard in this period. Keep your aggression in control and do not argue or get angry in this disturbing time. Your income will be very low and your expenses will be very high. The stars are not in a very favourable position for you. Those who are in job will not have very cordial relations with their seniors and things will not be very exciting at work. It is very important to surround yourself with positive people and all your well wishers. Take a break if you think that you are getting quite stressed and a small holiday is advised to get rest and relaxed. The good news is that travelling might turn out favourable for you. There are indications that you might get an opportunity to go abroad or to a distant destination. You will feel insecure in your position and with your current status. Not a satisfactory time for business professionals. If expecting or looking for a job then do not put a lot of hopes and keep putting efforts trying other opportunities as well. Not a very good time for people in fashion and medical fields. All those who are planning to invest in shares need to calculate their risk carefully. For students this is the time to start preparing for competitive examination examinations. Health will not be at its best and you may be troubled by stomach related ailments during this time. Sleep well and take good rest along with exercises as this would be a perfect balance for your health. Try to lose some weight to increase energy and confidence levels.

REMEDY: Donate white clothes to Brahamans.