Hurdles in professional front are seen so don’t lose your calm and wisdom because aggression is definitely not going to help you. Travel is not beneficial. You will not get support from your family and friends and your enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm you. You may face sorrow through your relatives. Work environment will not be entirely comfortable. Overall this phase will bring some pressure on you. So avoid any new investment and commitment. Drive carefully as you might face an accident. Health problems are also on the cards. Mental control is very much required. Avoid silly quarrels and conflicts. Stomach ailments may be the cause of your anxiety. Your popularity might decrease. Not a very promising period for love and romance. Take care of your children and life partner. The end of this month will bring little relief and you might get some gains from higher authority. A very favourable period who are longing or planning a baby.  

Remedy: Feed the cow with green vegetables.