n this period you will see yourself rising to a high level and your contacts with influential people will definitely increase. Your enemies will have the courage to face you. As far as family relations are concerned you will have a satisfactory time but you will have to face some challenges from your children which might not keep a good relationship. Money will be definitely become your way. You will see some personal transformations in you. There is a possibility that people might misuse or exploit you. Your expenses will increase. People in jobs will share a very good rapport with seniors and supervisors. Some of you might get promotions. Very successful and prosperous period for you. Health will be the issue of concern. You will be gained from higher authorities and your popularity will increase. You will be enthusiastic towards your life. This period seems to be good for opening new ventures. You can be a good advisor. Travel is not beneficial so try to avoid it. Overall a very beneficial period for you.

Remedy: Feed the ants.


Hurdles in professional front are seen so don’t lose your calm and wisdom because aggression is definitely not going to help you. Travel is not beneficial. You will not get support from your family and friends and your enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm you. You may face sorrow through your relatives. Work environment will not be entirely comfortable. Overall this phase will bring some pressure on you. So avoid any new investment and commitment. Drive carefully as you might face an accident. Health problems are also on the cards. Mental control is very much required. Avoid silly quarrels and conflicts. Stomach ailments may be the cause of your anxiety. Your popularity might decrease. Not a very promising period for love and romance. Take care of your children and life partner. The end of this month will bring little relief and you might get some gains from higher authority. A very favourable period who are longing or planning a baby.  

Remedy: Feed the cow with green vegetables.


You have to work hard to earn your livelihood. This month your expenditures will increase. Don’t lend money otherwise you might get cheated. Try to follow your gut feeling. The saying slow and steady wins the race truly gets fit in for you this month. You will not get any support from your siblings. And you might continue to work hard to start a new project. You will get a help of a close friend who will further fetch you with good profits and expand your business in the future. Avoid excessive travelling. Health needs to be taken care of as some stomach related issue might trouble you. Do not give any witness for anybody as you might get betrayed. Drive very carefully else you might face an accident. In the end of this month you will plan some new project for your business and your financial area will see some changes with good financial gain. Avoid taking a loan this month.

Remedy: Donate milk, sugar, rice to beggars.