Favorable time for people in business. Over all the month will be good from the business point of view. You will start some new business partnership. You may also get a new chance to get high big deals. You may spend on auspicious occasions. This month seems to be a happy month for you. You might spend on auspicious occasions related to your children. Sudden monetary gains are also indicated. Avoid any major financial involvement. You may purchase your own house or add on to your wealth and property. Your ability to handle difficult situations will be duly appreciated. Students will have challenging time around this month and they need to study with full concentration. Health seems to be fine and couples inclined to have a child have a supportive period going around this month. Travelling prove to be beneficial but drive carefully. There will be freedom from anxiety as new opportunities come across. You could even start a new venture. You may take on new challenges with a greater enthusiasm. Relocation may happen. There could be an inclination towards academic pursuits. You will be able to secure a loan you had been looking for. You will be victorious over opponents. The rivalries at work will be crushed giving you much relief. You will be able to crush competition and defeat rivals. If you are embroiled in any litigation, the verdict could be pronounced in your favour. Financial position definitely becomes better. Auspicious events, marriage or birth of progeny may happen. There will be long distance travel. You will need to stay guarded against the impact of bad habits and laziness, especially in the first half of the month.

Remedy: Visit Shani Temple every Saturday.