
A month of mental tension and increased problems is predicted for you. Risky investments should be avoided at all costs. This month foresees an unstable financial situation. You’ll be suffering from large expenses the whole month. With new responsibilities mental stress and tension will also come. You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. If you are rash then unwanted quarrels will spoil your peace of mind. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving. The best solution is a healthy way of life. You should understand that all the difficulties make a certain sense and are not going to stay forever. you should keep a close watch on your business and employees. You can expect to get a credit, sponsor’s help and support of parents or close person. You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. If you are rash then unwanted quarrels will spoil your peace of mind. Take out some time for yourself for meditation and exercise.

Remedy: Feed white eatables to the beggars.