Financial stability is assured this month. You should be prepared for a few surprises too. Contact with the right people will be instrumental in improving your finances. During this period you can work over your hopes and ambitions and give them a better shape. You will develop new friendship which will be very rewarding and helpful. You will see some drama and excitement in this month. Try some new and innovative ideas for success in your life. You will revive old relationships and this will help you financially. You will have Harmonious relations with your spouse in this period. If you want to enlarge your circle of socially then this month will provide you with plenty of opportunities .You will enjoy respect and honor from your family. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. You might face ear and eye troubles. Your life-partner can also have health issues. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed because of this. You can maintain your health by regular exercise and yoga. Avoid any conflict to avoid unnecessary troubles. Those in jobs can look forward to promotions to senior positions along with pay rises. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided. Your outlook will be optimistic and your enemies will be in trouble during this period. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice. You will gain from government and you might get some project to work together with them for the success. Avoid controversies. Love life will be full of mixed emotions. You have to be careful about your social interactions. This month you have to accept things as they are and should not strive hard to be great. Take care of your physical and emotional health this month. You will get many opportunities in the middle of the month. But, you have to be careful about your expenses. You may find it difficult to relax due to the hectic activities.
Remedy: Visit Shani mandir every Saturday.