You might spend on some new project. Fortune appears to be a roller-coaster for you in this month. Professional success is indicated but you will have to work hard for that. You will have to go that extra mile to actually make things happen. The gains might  be very high in the beginning of the month but would remain moderate and reasonable till the end. No major losses are indicated but be aware as this month will give mixed results. From middle of the month obstacles may also be encountered in the workplace. However, the support of the family in this difficult time will increase your morale. Take care of your health as it might slow down your progress. Abroad travels are predicted. Don’t make investments in the end of this month as you could face losses. Be careful of the clashes with your boss or seniors and keep your speech in check. Don’t compromise in work related matters. Foreign travels will add to your expenses. Friends may waste your time so you should be careful about it. Avoid wasteful expenses. Kids will enjoy and have most wonderful time. A good news related to the children may come your way. You may spend on auspicious occasion but it is advisable for you not to delay any auspicious work and try to get it done as soon as possible especially in the personal matters relating to your maternal side. Do not make any decision regarding a new relationship or marriage at this time especially in the end of the month. My advice suggests that you need to keep a regular check on your day to day life and make use of your day in a planned manner to achieve maximum out of it. Past hardwork can get the results.

Remedy: Feed the fish.