The study room should always be facing the east or west direction of the house, north is the second best direction.

• The child should face east or north while studying and all their rewards and recognitions, certificates, trophies and motivational posters should be displayed on the north or east wall. No beam or cabinet should be over their study table.

• Do not have a door right behind the study chair. Instead, have a wall behind it.

• The study table should have an open area in front, if that’s not possible and table has to be along the wall, then leave a slight gap between the study table and the adjoining wall for circulation of energies.

• Don’t let the child stare at an empty wall in the front, and, hang a poster on the wall that motivates them.

• The study table should be square or rectangular in shape and clear quartz can be kept on the table to enhance the child’s concentration.

• Keep east and north walls light while south and west walls can have cupboard or storage cabinets for books. Do not stack books on the study table; instead keep them in a closed cabinet.

• The table lamp should be kept on the left of the study table, to ensure light without hindrance, and computer should either be in southeast or northwest of the table.

• There should not be any mirror visible from the study table; it causes distraction.

• Colours used in the study room should be pastel and subtle. For eastern room, pale yellow and off white can be used, violet for north-east room and pastel green for a study room in north is advised. Off-white, white, ivory are the most positive colours for the study room.
