November 5, 2019 onwards Jupiter shifted from Scorpio and got combusted on 14th December 2019. Saturn will be transiting in capricorn sign on 24th January 2020. Before this shifting, Saturn and Jupiter will make a lot of disturbance in India and worldwide too.

Jupiter and Saturn are considered as the planets of law, order, discipline and justice. They will be fully combusted in December 2019; Jupiter on 14th December and Saturn on 28th December. This combustion will create and deliver a lot of negative effects. It will reduce positive energy. This position will create and indicate war-like conditions with neighboring countries. India and Pakistan will get into a war-like situation again and possibility of war is very strong.

This transition will create a lot of tension and fear of global recession. Country’s condition will be worsened and bring about major political and social revolutions. Murders, robberies will increase. Public protests we have been witnessing already and will continue till January 2020. There may be rise in crime and some unpleasant events like strikes, demonstrations and protests. Cruel, corrupt, antisocial and evil elements may become more active in the society.

There may be fear of natural calamities such as earthquakes and some major accidents including fire accidents. This planetary position however may not be auspicious for many countries. Hong Kong will face major disturbance. A lot of people will die because of this negative political and social disability. Whole world will get disturbed during this period. India will see sudden conflicts between political parties as well as different sections of the society. Country people will be shocked because of this political instability. There will be many more revolutionary and new events during this transit. People of our country should trust in the present ruling government’s politics because in future people will realize when these changes will bring positive results to the country.

We can expect some big and unexpected changes in the economic and political scenario of India and some more drastic steps too by the government.

This will start getting settled from 31st January 2020 onwards. Established systems will give way to new thinking, revolutionary ideas and new political arrangements.

Coming two and a half years are very crucial for India and the world. After January 2020, things will start getting settled gradually. India is going to lead the world in the next five years and move forward to become the world leader. Judiciary is going to be very strong in India as well as worldwide.

All the opposition parties will stand together and oppose against the policies of the ruling government but will not succeed as after January 2020 a lot of people of our country will start supporting the ruling government by all means.

Most of the predictions have already been stated in my previous articles, on my YouTube channel and website (     

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