This period will bring good results as far as business is concerned. This is the period which might help you to settle well in your financial life. You will see a nice money inflow which will keep you in a positive mood. Don’t trust anyone in case of investments. Sale and purchase of the property should be done very cautiously. Overall you will have to be very alert else you might face losses in the investments which you have done previously. Do not lend money to others. You will help many people in this month. You will see yourself getting fascinated towards religious and spiritual fields. Your relations with your spouse will become better and stronger. At work front your image will increase and will get better. Your colleagues and seniors will support you in every way. You might spend on entertainment and on some pilgrimages. Both your finances and your respect will get better eventually. Some people who are not happy with their jobs and feel monotonous will switch over to some new business which will turn out to be a good move for them. Some work related problems might frustrate you which will fade very fast. Second half of the month will be a little challenging. People in job will have salary increment and promotions. As far as health is concerned you may have a bit of an upset stomach. Stop having unhealthy snacks and eat a balanced diet. Overall this month will keep your energy high. Students will get good opportunities to show their talents. Avoid arguments especially with an elder female relative and try to remain patient.

Remedy: Offer jal to Surya with a tinch of Lal Chandan.