Be prepared to deal with disappointments in money matters and things may not move as planned. Try and focus on all the positive aspects of life. You will get many opportunities and you will have to work hard to achieve them. This is the time to focus on self improvement. All the obstacles which have been troubling you will take some time to clear off. All the business planning you have been doing will not give you appropriate results. Don’t be careless and try to grab all the opportunities which come your way immediately and wisely. You will not get very good results from new ventures. You should be very careful about your expenses and unnecessary purchases should be controlled to avoid financial crisis. Do not lend or borrow money as you might get betrayed. This is not a good time to buy any property or your dream vehicle. If dealing in some property do your full research to avoid any legal complications. You are advised to take good care of your health. Stomach related ailments my trouble you. Avoid unhealthy habits else it could lead to many health problems that may trouble you for a long time. Long travels are also indicated and it’s a good time for travelling far off places which might make you feel tired and stressful. Children should also take proper care of their health. In the end of this month career front seems to be quite normal and you will get good support from your family members. End of this month you will see improvement in business and professional status too. You will get full support from your colleagues and some new opportunities will also come your way. Plan your schedule well in advance.

REMEDY: Read Hanuman Chalisa.