Aries ( Moon Sign )
Keeping your anger in control will prove very beneficial. Avoid fights and arguments with females. Keep a strict watch on your expenses. Avoid lending money as you may not get it back. Source of income may increase gradually. Investing in metal may prove profitable. People facing challenges in court cases will get over it successfully. Driving should be done very carefully. Don’t involve yourself in dispute. Take good care of your kids’ health. Extra attention to be given to them.
Offering jal to Sun will give peace.

Taurus ( Moon Sign )
Charming time for people in business. You will experience growth and money gains. Conserve energy and wait for your turn to shine. Avoid rash statements. Overall you will experience good atmosphere at home and family. Always remember to compromise and apologize restore harmony. Some may celebrate auspicious occasions at home. While driving be careful especially youngsters. Travelling will prove fruitful. Young couples are advised to stay calm and do not involve in disputes. Buying of luxury items or adding luxury to your home will keep the mood up and you need to be careful in terms of maintaining your character and image. Overall all the hardwork put in all this time will finally reap benefits galore. But keep yourself careful and do not get carried away.
Donate white things to the poor.

Gemini ( Moon Sign )
You will get widely accepted by your friends and family. Those looking for jobs will get positive results. This month will begin on a positive note. Economically a good month. Business may have a good time as they may receive decent profits. For students who want to study abroad this is a good time. Drive carefully. Overall above average results in terms of family and happiness.
Feed the cows with green vegetables.

Cancer ( Moon Sign )
This month has a celebratory aura with a possibility of a sacred ceremony at home. Some of you will start new ventures. Family would support you at every step. Professional life would be well on track. Gains will increase and protect your public image and reputation. Some of you can face government problems. Children will maintain a cheerful behaviour. Need to keep yourself careful in property matters. Possibility of being cheated is also there.
Offer jal to Lord Shiva.

Leo ( Moon Sign )
There will be plenty of opportunities. People in jobs, get ready for transfers. If in business avoid partnerships. Decent time for family harmony. Husband-wife relations are likely to be improved. Overall harmony is indicated. Growth of children may not be much satisfactory. Students may face some difficulties and obstacles on their way. Success won’t come easy, so expect to work harder than usual.
Offer jal to Surya and sweets to poor.

Virgo ( Moon Sign )
Smooth month in terms of family. Those who plan to tie a knot will get proposals. Enemies will get defeated. Avoid changing job or starting a new venture at this time. Although personal relationships will be the last thing on your mind but you would feel attracted towards the opposite sex. Stay away from situations which can harm your reputation and image. Take care of your mother’s health and your lower abdomen as well. Keep a good watch on your health. Avoid travelling in the middle of the month.
Feed the fishes.

Libra ( Moon Sign )
On the family front you will be much happy and peaceful at home. There might be some problems emerging at work. Avoid partnerships as your partner could get you in trouble. Transfers are on the cards for people in jobs. Income and finances seem to be fine. If in business expect good income. Some might start new ventures on their own. People in cloth business to get good profits specially those in white items will also flourish. Your image and reputation will increase. Enemies will not be able to disturb you. You will get a lot of travelling opportunities.
Donate white clothes to the poor.

Scorpio ( Moon Sign )
Stars are blessing you this month. Relationship with family members will grow. Spending on marital occasions is expected. Increase in income and career prospects seems good. Stability in work and profits are on fast pace will come to you. Salary appraisal is there as per the October horoscope. Those who are looking forward to get married will have great positive results. Income prospects and financial sources will be strong. Foreign travel will keep you in a happy mood. Children will be lively and cherry. Students will get awards or honours. Your dedication, focus and skills would help you.
Feed the birds.

Saggitarius ( Moon Sign )
Your energy will be positive and you will get many achievements during this period. Your profession will be the source of happiness. Some of you will invest in new land properties and new ventures. People in business will see a favourable time. People in jobs will get promotions. Image and reputation would increase. Jobless will get good opportunities. You may grab good profits and money flow will also be on a good pace. Keep a good check on your health. Females be careful as they do not have a good time regarding health. Parents will see themselves in situations where they are worried for their kids.
Donate yellow sweets to the poor.

Capricorn ( Moon Sign )
Money will become your priority. Some changes in the career are expected to be positive. Health issues may arise. Avoid travelling though you will get opportunities for foreign travel jobs. Your relationships with siblings will be neutral. Control your expenses. Some can face government problems. You may largely remain dissatisfied with the cash flow. Mental peace may be disturbed. Take care of mother’s health. Avoid partnerships you may be betrayed. Apart from all these challenges you will keep getting your family support throughout.
Visit Shani Temple.

Aquarius ( Moon Sign )
If in business then expect expansion with a help of a friend. Some of you may buy a new vehicle. Be careful about your image and reputation. You may see yourself involving with opposite sex in a relationship. Pay attention to your rapport and avoid such relationships. Do not put yourself in embarrassing situations. Family life will be a little stressful, there might be some issues at home. Take care of your health as there are viral infections and possibility of getting hurt as well is also there. Take care of your reputation.
Visit Shani Temple.

Piscec ( Moon Sign )
Professionally a smooth time. There will be a flexible, cooperating and helpful approach in your behaviour. You can think of investing on new house. You will see improvement in kids overall. Those who want a child can expect a male. Try to avoid travelling and you need to buck up and work hard. You will spend on spiritual affairs. Physical health issues are to be taken care of. Stop having food from outside.
Offer ladoos to Lord Ganesha.