Aries ( Moon Sign )
This month will give mix results in business though with almost no losses. You need to be very careful while driving. Keeping anger in control will certainly keep you away from any critical situation. Some of you will see yourself indulging in religious works. You may be honoured and get an influential religious post in this spiritual journey . take your wife for regular check-ups as her health is not up to the mark. This regularity will bring down her sufferings from any ailment. Overall a cautious time in terms of health, accidents and theft. Some things may be lost which are expensive and precious. For students its a good time. Charming time for them. They will get good results if they put a little hard work and interest in the studies.
Offer jal to Lord Surya.

Taurus ( Moon Sign )
You should focus on important things this month and try to relax as much as possible. Try to avoid tension of any sorts. Some of you may start new ventures in business. People who are dealing in agriculture will get good profits. Try to conserve your energy during this period of hectic activity, foreign travel plans will get implemented. Students may feel lethargic and may find it difficult to concentrate. Avoid any harsh approach either with family members, friend circle or co-workers. Health would be generally good. End of this month may give positive results.
Feed the Birds.

Gemini ( Moon Sign )
This is the time to show your worth at work place. Friends circle will be helpful. Professional front may be favourable. Business will flourish with better results with the help of friends. You will be in a social mood. A bright phase at your job sector. You will spend money on home and luxury. You will be travelling a lot this month. Foreign travels will be fruitful. You will get full support from your family. Harmony will continue in your family life. Some of you might be inclined to social work. There are chances that some long awaited hope might get solved now. You might get some new connection. Drive carefully as some accident might create stress in you.
Wear maximum green clothes this month.

Cancer ( Moon Sign )
A jolly month for you. You will receive new and better connections. A very energetic phase for travelling. You will spend more money on auspicious occasions at home. You will see expansion in business and some of you may get into partnerships. Mental peace will be prevailing throughout. This month will be keeping you in a good mood and high spirits. Married life will be blissful. Some may get opposite sex attractions. A splendid romance might follow in your life. Some may get into new romantic relationships. Your romantic relationship might be heavenly in this phase. Good medical condition is anticipated.
Offer milk to Lord Shiva.

Leo ( Moon Sign )
You are likely to undergo below medium results at your work place. Control your anger otherwise you are likely to indulge yourself in some dispute. Some new responsibilities are going to come. Do not take any risk in this period else you will get huge losses. Beware of your rivals. Economical balance will be disturbed. You may get losses in property and some of you may face problems with government officials. Obstructions will come at your much coming income. Not a very energetic phase for travelling. Expenses are likely to increase. Lot of hardwork required by students to get through.
Offer jal to Lord Surya.

Virgo ( Moon Sign )
You are about to be successful. A new opportunity will appear and your profession is presumed to be fruitful. An increasing income will make you feel safe economically. A fruitful time for business and some new ventures coming your way are indicated. Travelling will be beneficial. You will roll in money this month. Students will achieve success. Those females looking forward to have a baby will get a good news. Mothers’ ill health will be a matter of concern. Stomach related issues might bother so avoid eating out.
Donate food to differently abled people.

Libra ( Moon Sign )
Your luck will favour your financial position but do not trust anybody blindly as you may be cheated. Be very careful of your belongings, specially jewels and documents. Robbery and thefts are to be watched. Your positive ideas will bring improvement in business and professionals will get promotions. People who want to tie a knot, could find their dream come true during this period. You may spend on luxury and gifts. A short trip to some beautiful place will lift spirit and rejuvenate you. Students will do fairly good. Ill people will get relaxed as they will get rid of their ailments.
Donate food to physically challenged people.

Scorpio ( Moon Sign )
Students can expect excellent results in studies. They will get opportunities to study abroad. Couples will experience a blessed married life. You will be in a romantic mood. This month comes with the promise of good income for you. Business people have a golden time. Health will remain in good conditions. You will be beaming with confidence. Keep stress at bay. A vacation might prove rejuvenating and all you need to do is take a break from work and relax. Foreign travels will be profitable. Expenditure on luxuries will keep you in high spirits. A blissful family life and upgraded social status is indicated. Something lost (in terms of image and reputation) may be found.
Feed the Crows.

Saggitarius ( Moon Sign )
This could be a cautious time for money. Refrain yourself from investing in shares and lotteries. Possibility of loss is indicated. Be very careful in your partnerships as you may be duped. Family and friends may increase your tension. Avoid travelling as there is a possibility of loss and you may get hurt. Overall a stressful period at home. Family and friends may create disturbances. Not a good period for lovers, they can get into arguments and end into fights without any issues. You will see a decline in debits and create unpleasant situations. Children will achieve success in studies.
Donate yellow sweets to the poor.

Capricorn ( Moon Sign )
Financial aspect this month is fairly lucky. In this month you may spend lots of money but there is regular income also. Your unfinished tasks will be completed in time. You will receive help from family and your life partner will be too supportive. You will spend on auspicious occasions. Business ventures will yield good profit. People who see a promotion at job will surely get it. You will get favours from government. Religious sight-seeing is indicated. You will experience peace, harmony and happiness. You will be in a great health. Expert receiving expensive gifts and tokens. All your sorrows, mental disturbances and pains will disappear.
Visit Shani Temple.

Aquarius ( Moon Sign )
You will be worried about your kids but otherwise family life is joyful. All your desires will get accomplished. You will start with new business ventures with a new partner. You will spend money on luxury. Purchasing of new vehicle is also indicated. You will get full support from wife. Her professional achievement will be a matter of proud. Foreign travel is also indicated. You will enjoy the support and respect of your seniors. You will get government help if needed. Be careful of what you talk with people. There is not much to worry about health in this period. Relaxing therapies or taking break from routine would fill you with youthful and positive energy.
Visit Shani Temple.

Piscec ( Moon Sign )
Financial happiness and support from family is indicated. You will get rid of your worries and mental anguish. Though you will not get the desired result even after so much of hard work. Those in jobs will get transfers. Keep check on unnecessary expenditure. You will be more interested in luxurious life. Students will perform better and will get interested towards studies.
Worship Lord Hanuman and read Hanuman Chalisa.