You will get mental peace and solutions to your problems. Money problems will get solved and developments in career are clearly predicted. The dullness that you had been experiencing will be removed. This month will be interesting and will have effective professional life. Businessmen will begin a new project. Trips related to business are possible. Those in partnership might face contradiction in business interests. Conflicts will dominate them and they will have to face serious financial disagreements. This month is favorable for the beginning of new work which will prove to be more interesting than the previous one. Promotions and acquisitions of luxury goods will be there. It is suggested to be more attentive towards your health. Health needs care especially gastric troubles, arthritis and mental stress. Improvement in family life and domestic harmony is predicted. Middle of the month can bring some financial problems which might be connected with expansion of business or with financial claims of partners. Those who are working in banks and the people engaged in finance are advised to be more attentive and to avoid taking risky decisions which can cost much. You might spend on property. Travel may be tiring and unproductive so try to avoid it. Legal matters might get postponed. Expenditure will be there but for good causes. The single and the eligible might also tie a knot this month. Ambitions related to success in writing/publishing may be fulfilled. Try to keep money out of the equation with the loved ones to avoid troubles. You will be needed to be patient as ill health of loved ones will also keep you distracted. You may be able to acquire a house or land in your name. However expenses increase as you invest in repairs and renovation in big way. You may make some plans for new venture but it may not get translated into reality this month. You are likely to take your responsibility sincerely and seriously and this will beget you a good name and reputation in your profession.

Remedy: Read Hanuman Chalisa.