Mixed results from this month are foreseen for you people. Your life will take unpredictable turns and you won’t have any choice other than welcoming those turns. You might organize a religious event at your home, which will deliver an environment of peace and affection. You will attract many well established business personalities with your knowledge and sense of humor. People will notice your urge to make the things right and will help you for the same too. There wouldn’t be any harm to you in terms of finance. You will enjoy the constant flow of income throughout the whole month. Your family and beloved will support you in all the conditions. You might travel to religious places such as some renowned temples. You will have an increased faith in the power of Almighty and will leave no chance of thanking him for his blessings. You will be very fortunate in terms of love. Single people might get engaged and lovers will find peace and happiness together. This phase of your life can be termed as a soothing phase. Apart from some ailments, you will enjoy good health the whole month. If you are already suffering from an old ailment then you might get relieved this month. Professional challenges are ready to grab you. So, you are advised to stay alert and give your best. Avoid arguments at any cost as they might result into big relationship troubles for you. Do not be over possessive about the person you love. You will increase the circle of your work and will add new talented people into your circle. The bold initiatives taken by you will impress your seniors and they will praise you for your work. The sources of income will improve. You can go for some sort of investments after considering all the pros and cons. You would be able to save a good amount of money easily. Students can expect better results in their exams. You might have to face some disappointments in domestic life. You might get blamed for the things that you didn’t do. It will happen due to some misunderstanding among the members of your family.

Remedy: Serve the beggars with yellow clothing.