
Your financial life will be less fortunate. You may undergo financial crisis. You will have to work harder. You may have to face many ups and downs in your career. During this time, the job-seekers will face troubles due to the absence of any support from their co-workers. This will lead to a delay in their promotion. Health-related troubles are on cards in this month. In this case, take special care of your health and improve your eating habits. Fatigue and minor problems will persist. Troublesome married life will keep you disturbed and cause disputes between you and your life partner.  During this time, your life partner will be seen spending more time carrying out religious activities. Students have to work hard to attain good results. Students desiring to go abroad will have to work harder to attain desirable outcomes this year. Family life will be unfavourable. You will face lot of rudeness from your family and friends. Non-cooperation of family members will lead to stress and tensions. Matters related to property and litigation should be dealt with utmost caution. Drive carefully and slowly as you may hurt yourself. Try to improve yourself, think more rationally and make realistic plans, for now keep the worry about your finances and savings. In the matters related to money it is better to be safe than sorry so avoid any partnership. If you have any of your long-term plans waiting to initiate then hold on for a while. Do not spend too much that is not useful as your expenditure is likely to increase in this month. Take small steps and don’t make hasty decisions. To enjoy family happiness avoid any rude behaviour. Maintain cordial relationship at home.

Remedy: Feed the crow with kheer and worship Rahu on Sunday.