Not a very good period for business as you might see a slowdown in the first week of this month. Do not believe in luck at this time. Keep working hard and believe in yourself as this would prove useful for you. At this time money flow will have bumps. If you are hoping to get payments from anywhere it can be delayed. There can also be problems in getting back the money given as loan. As the months progresses you will move forward in your career with new energy. You will start getting the results of your hard work done in the past. Those who wish to pursue higher education or any professional course in abroad will get considerable chances for the same. People who are working in a multinational or are willing to work there, their income is expected to grow well. Renovation of house is also indicated. There will also be a happy environment in the family due to the increase in the facilities and comfort all around. Health problem may also disturb you especially. You will be troubled by cough, cold and viral fever. You might also acquire property during this time especially if it has the paternal side to it. Your expectation and wishes may be fulfilled. You can also find a partner you always wanted. In this period you will get the happiness and cooperation from your life partner. You will get good advice from friends and from close relatives regarding your career. You will get the benefit of favourable circumstances at this time and success in your carrier will be created.

Remedy: Feed the fish.