This period is marked by the change in place and change in job. You will suffer due to mental anxiety. You won’t have any peace of mind. This will be a difficult period. Your luck seems against you. Your business associates may create hassles for you. Business trips may not be fruitful. On the domestic front, keep your temper in check from getting into embarrassing situations. Family member’s attitude will be quite different. Your power of judgment and discrimination may weaken sometimes. There can be injury due to fire. This period also indicates heart trouble, so you should be very careful about your health. Anxiety may develop due to ill health of family members also. Travel may be fruitless and therefore should be avoided. Don’t go for big investment because things may not turn up according to your expectations. You will indulge in unnecessary expenses so, be careful regarding that. You should be cautious while dealing with friends and colleagues. Your friends and associates shall not keep their promises. Be careful of wicked friends as your reputation could be made to suffer on their account. Take care of family’s health as the problems related to their health may arise. There can be injury due to fire. Sudden financial loss is on the cards. Your opponents will try to damage your reputation. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. A tendency of taking risks should be curbed. You should avoid controversy or seeking a change in job till such time. You might get involved in a scandal and your reputation may suffer damage. There could be chances of getting money unexpectedly but needless to say expenses will be very high.

Remedy: Donate sweets to beggars.