This month will bring a lot of expenditure for you. You are likely to spend on others. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Your relationship with your children may not be well. Money will definitely be coming your way and will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and thought process. You may get disturbed a bit due to health ailment. Keep a good watch on your health. Control your anger and do meditation and yoga for better health and peace. With this your mental energy will be great. Most importantly, things between you and your spouse will be at their sweetest. Birth of a child is on the cards. Your enemies will face defeat. People in job might get promotion if they try sincerely. You will gain respect and good will. You will win litigation. You will do charitable deeds in this period. Avoid any kind of carelessness and those who keep changing their jobs should try to stick to one for future success. Avoid rashness. Travel will be beneficial. You will get full support from your seniors.

Remedy: Donate yellow clothes to poor people.