A marked increase in your income is indicated. This is an excellent month for you to get profits from your contracts and agreements. This is the perfect time for you to enter into deals that will surely work in your favor. There will be increase in income from business and other ventures and rise in position and status. You will acquire vehicles and other comforts. This is the time for you to add status and position to your family life. You will spend on luxuries. This is the time for your romantic life to be spiced up. You can make great progress professionally. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic fronts. You will get good opportunity to come into contact with compatible people. You will spend on precious jewellery and gems. You need to pay special attention to the relationship with your life partner. Long travel is on the cards. Health seems to be satisfactory with no major issues. Though financially, it is not a bad period but still you should put hold on over your expanses. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

Remedy: Offer jal to Shivling on every Wednesday.