Time brings you fortune, ability and courage. People will look up to you and come to you for advice. Things will start getting sorted out. The whole of this period comes into a period of great potential and energy for you. However there will be material gains and you will get recognition from your seniors. You will share good rapport with your seniors and supervisors. So it is a good period for trying out new things, going to new places. You are likely to acquire a vehicle in this period. You will connect with influential people .your income will increase. Do not get overconfident else you might face a Pitfall. This period will also bring happiness and success to your siblings. Your expenditure will increase due to health issues of your family members. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with your children may not be good. Long distance travel is going to be beneficial. Money will definitely be coming your way and will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and philosophies. You will get recognition of your merits by the government and higher authorities. You may get disturb a bit due to health ailment. You will help relatives and society.

Remedy: Feed the monkeys with gud channa.