Favourable time for the people in business . You will start some new business and also get a new chance to get big deals. Travelling abroad will prove to be very beneficial. This month holds great potential for growth in your pursuit so try to be patient for best results. Higher growth prospects are indicated in the carrier front but will be companied by certain level of struggle. This is a favourable time for you to invest in land and property and a parental property gain is foreseen. Students will do fairly well in exam and will come out with flying colours. Foreign trade will also prove very beneficial. You will see yourself spending on religious and auspicious occasions. Married life will be good support from the spouse will help you to do well at work or profession. Avoid any unnecessary troubles and arguments. Overall a good period with no major health issues and you will enjoy good relations with family and friends and the children will do fairly well in their studies as well as in career.