Avoid unnecessary travelling this month. You will be able to settle long-term debts and loans this month. Your financial area will get better. No major financial obstacle could be seen this month. Make any financial investment carefully and try to save money for your future investments also. However this month you will have to control your unnecessary expenditures otherwise you will have a lot of trouble in managing your finances. You might invest in buying of a house or even a vehicle for the same.To maintain your mental peace yoga and meditation is advised. To enjoy healthy life style is required. Regular check ups are required if suffering from anything at present so that your position does not deteriorate. Control your food habits.Don’t take any financial decision impulsively. Charity is advised. Domestic front seems to be average. To prosper take blessings of your elders. You will get an opportunity to meet you are distant relatives in some social gathering. Learn to treat every family member with respect and love. Try to resolve property issues without disputes. Take care of your mothers health. People might get jealous of Your Family bonding and will try to disturb this harmony by creating a rift.Students will do fairly good specially those who are appearing for civil services as I can see your luck favouring you throughout but you will need to put extra hard work And sincere effortsto get the desired results.