Aries ( Moon Sign )

In the beginning of the month, your professional/academic front will show positive results making your chances of going abroad bright. This month will be favourable for the unemployed. You will get support and happiness from your family including your kids. Spouse health may suffer.

1. Reading Hanuman Chalisa regularly will give a lot of comfort during this period.
2. Feeding the poor with sweets will have good effects.

Taurus ( Moon Sign )

Initially, the people under this sign will get opportunities of completing their pending works. Real Estate jobs will be profitable. Parents’ health may get affected. Refrain from travelling.

Feed milk and sugar to the poor people.

Gemini ( Moon Sign )

This will be a period of fun and good times. Love life will be blissful. This might be a good time for some lovers to get into the bond of marriage. Fabulous month for those who plan to invest in new property or vehicle. Students will fulfil their projects and achieve good marks.

Donate green cloth to the needy.

Cancer ( Moon Sign )

Positive changes may be seen in business. Activities will rise, finances will improve. You might be travelling for gains during this period. Happiness from family and children will be seen.

Abhishek with water by chanting shivmantra will bring prosperity and peace.

Leo ( Moon Sign )

Coming month has much excitement in store. Foreign country ventures will turn out to be profitable. Business and real estate jobs will prosper. Family bonds will get stronger.

Offering water in copper vessel to the Sun will be beneficial.

Virgo ( Moon Sign )

The prospect of a fresh start with hopes of better tomorrow and brighter future in career. Those who have been planning a vacation, now is the perfect time. Financial and professional recognition will reach a peak.

Feeding birds will be beneficial.

Libra ( Moon Sign )

Happy coincidences will be experienced. Investing in property will be your utmost priority. Your financial affairs will be hopefully profitable. Money gain will keep flowing. Your energy hits high and you will experience much strong and sweet bondings with your family.

Donation of white cloth will result in immense gains.

Scorpio ( Moon Sign )

A lot of struggle is forseen to earn money in the initial phase of the month. A little forward planning coupled with hard work will do wonders. Domestic concerns make it difficult for some of you to have a leisurly holiday. Keep well on your routine commitments and plans.

Worshiping Hanuman Ji and enchanting Hanuman Chalisa will give immense power to overcome obstacles.

Saggitarius ( Moon Sign )

Preventing arguments with the spouse will maintain harmony. Loss in business, disputes in property and legal issues are forseen. Avoid going on long journeys. A trustworthy person may cheat on you.

Feed the cows, especially with ladoos.

Capricorn ( Moon Sign )

Finances look good. Investing money in something new will benefit you. Rivalries may disturb your peace and harmony. Those who are looking for jobs will get successful exclusively. Students who are willing to go abroad for further studies will get good opportunities.

Regular visits to Shani Temple will be very favourable.

Aquarius ( Moon Sign )

Beware of enemies and plan your path in a way that causes minimum stress. Some new beginnings and investment in property are suggested. Be careful while travelling, spouse health may suffer.

Regular visits to Shani Temple will bring good luck.

Piscec ( Moon Sign )

There could be a conflict with friends and relatives. Positive thinking will help you a lot. Increasing your meetings with family members will strengthen your relationship. And bring peace and prosperity in the family. This time may prove to be wonderful for the business and its expansion. Travelling can be seen on the cards.

Feeding the fish will bring some change to your lifestyle which will be good.

Hope That The Astrology Predictions Will Help You Plan & Utilize Your Time Ahead.